

What values do you believe in?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What values do you believe in?
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What civic values do you believe are essential to being an American and how can you personally put these values into practice?

i believe being nice is a very important value

What is an example of values?

Personal values are things that you believe in, and they are important to you. for example, if you are a veryy family orientated person then one of personal values is family. If you believe in loyalty and being a good friend, then they are your personal values. Hope this helped a little bit (:

Do values come from your morals?

No - Your morals come from your values. Morals are what you do because of the values you hold. Morals are not what determine your values. The relationship between values and morals is one of cause and affect. Values cause morals to be what they are. If you believe honesty is important you will be morally honest. If you believe wealth is important you will morally insenstive to people who hinder your acquistion of wealth.

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What are numbers operations and unknown values?

variable expression, I believe.

Are religious beliefs the same as religious values?

Not exactly. Beliefs are something that you personally believe. Values are ideas, customs, or institutions.

How do you prove you and your friends have the same values?

By simply asking and if they are a friend you will believe them.

What is formation of normative cultural values?

what is the formation of normative cultural values???? can we really define "normal culture"?? Values are what is important to you. what are your values? now what ever you believe and what ever is your culture you just live by your culture beliefs and you live by them following your values in life.

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Why religion is different?

Because people believe different things and have different values.

What are the confederated flags on cars stand for in 2007?

it means that they are generally from the South and still believe in the confederacy. They also believe in the southern values.

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