That one - there! The one I am pointing at!The fifth digit to the left of the decimal point is.
100000000*first digit+10000000*second digit+1000000*third digit+100000*fourth digit+10000*fifth digit+1000*sixth digit+100*seventh digit+10*eightth digit+1*nineth digit
It is 2.
The fifth digit of pi is 5. The first 10 digits are 3.141592653
Usually the medical term for the fifth toe is fifth toe. You could also call it the fifth digit of the foot, or the fifth pedal digit. The layman's term for the fifth toe is the pinky toe.
That one - there! The one I am pointing at!The fifth digit to the left of the decimal point is.
Not as presented here.
When no fifth-digit subcategory codes are in that category
You could call it the fifth finger, fifth digit, or digiti minimi.
Yes, your pinky is your fifth digit and your thumb is your first digit on your manus, or hand
100000000*first digit+10000000*second digit+1000000*third digit+100000*fourth digit+10000*fifth digit+1000*sixth digit+100*seventh digit+10*eightth digit+1*nineth digit
The ten-thousands place is the fifth (5th) digit to the left of the decimal point: 12,345.2