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Euclid contributed to number theory, which is the study of integers. He worked on prime numbers and divisibility. He proved the infinitude of prime numbers, which had not been proven before.

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Q: What was the contribution of euclid in number system?
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What are euclid contribution?

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While Euclid was famed for his development and presentation of geometry to the ancient Greek world, it was Archimedes who made a direct contribution to the discovery of pi.I suggest you find an online summary of Euclid's Elementsand use that as a resource.

What is contribution of Euclid in geometry?

His major contributions are in geometry and in his book The Elements. He gave many rules of geometry which are also used nowadays. Books of Euclid provide a base of geometry. Euclid's ideas and theories are still considered as basics of mathematics. His most famous work was Metric. Another contribution of Euclid was that he gave the practical ideas in Mathematics.

What is the phone number of the Euclid Public Library in Euclid?

The phone number of the Euclid Public Library is: 216-261-5300.

What was Euclid's most significant contribution to field of mathematics?

Euclid wrote "The Elements", in which he made many rules that define the geometry taught in schools today.

How do you make a historical contribution on

The "historical" contribution number indicates a contribution made in the past that counted as a contribution before we changed the system, and would no longer count in the current system. You can't add to these numbers in the new system.