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Q: What was the daily life of a Chinese soldier?
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What was the daily life of the Chinese?

the daily life of Ancient Chinese people was that they loved to farm and grow crops they also had people that built . i hope that i have helped with you're question

What was the daily life of ancient Chinese?

the daily life of Ancient Chinese people was that they loved to farm and grow crops they also had people that built . i hope that i have helped with you're question

Daily life for a us soldier in the war on terror?

blah blah blah

What was the daily life of ancient Chinese people?

the daily life of Ancient Chinese people was that they loved to farm and grow crops they also had people that built . i hope that i have helped with you're question

What did Chinese scribes do?

Chinese scribes recorded history and events of daily life. These involved battles and everyday happenings.

How did paper and printing change the daily life of Chinese people?

They Acknowledge more knowledge.

What is daily life like for a Chinese woman?

It depends. Most are working. Some are housewives.

How do you say soldier in Chinese?

Solider? Did you mean soldier? Soldier: 士兵 [shì bīng]

When was Australian Chinese Daily created?

Australian Chinese Daily was created in 1987.

What is the Chinese word for elephant?

in Chinese elephant is called '象' [xiàng], and '大象' [dà xiàng] is more commonly used in daily life.

How does shenghuo mean in Chinese?

In Chinese, "shenghuo" (生活) means "life" or "living." It encompasses all aspects of life, such as daily routines, experiences, relationships, and activities.

Do the Chinese have daily Chinese Horoscopes?

Yes, although the Chinese signs are different then ours, they do still have daily horoscopes. You can try the site for a daily Chinese horoscope.