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many say that algebra was founded by diophantus but actually al- khwarizmi wrote about algebra [al- jabr] in his book 'compendious book on calculation by completion and balancing.'

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Q: What was the history about the algebra?
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If you are doing a project on algebra and you find it really hard to find information on the history of algebra then are you able to help?

First of all. Help what? And second of all finding the history of algebra is almost impossible so that is a very hard question to answer.

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the founder of trigonometry, algebra & calculus is a hindu (india) mathematician BUDHAYANA. =]

What is the history of exponents In Algebra?

Exponents are the expodential growth in something.

Where can you find information on the history of Algebra?

It would be a good idea to start by reviewing the Wikipedia article on the history of algebra. Do you need a link? Well, this is WikiAnswers, and we have your back. A link is provided below.

World history algebra?

Both world history and algebra are required subjects in both high school and college. Both will also have related questions on the SATs and other entrance exams.

How algebra started?

The history of algebra can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Babylonians. The term algebra is first found in a book written by Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi.

History of college algebra?

algebra is came from the latin word ca ajlre which means rational, equation, quantity, inequality, and the exponent is one or more.

What has the author Vera Sanford written?

Vera Sanford has written: 'The history and significance of certain standard problems in algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra, Problems, exercises

What has the author W J Robertson written?

W. J. Robertson has written: 'Public school history of England and Canada' -- subject(s): History, Histoire 'Public school history of England' -- subject(s): History 'The high school algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'The leading facts of Canadian history' -- subject(s): History, Textbooks, Text-books, Histoire

What has the author Jacques Sesiano written?

Jacques Sesiano has written: 'An introduction to the history of algebra'

Why was algebra important?

Algebra was first studied thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. For most of its history, people studied and developed algebra for enjoyment and intellectual challenge. In the last couple of centuries, algebra has been used extensively in the development of science, engineering medicine, and other fields.