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Q: What was the spanish friars daily life?
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What was the goal of Spanish friars and missionaries in the New World?

The goal of Spanish friars and missionaries in the New World was to spread Christianity to the native populations and convert them to Catholicism. They believed that by converting the indigenous people, they could save their souls and bring them into the fold of the Catholic Church. This religious conversion was often accompanied by efforts to assimilate the indigenous cultures into the Spanish way of life.

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Are diminican's Spanish?

If you mean the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic, they are Dominicans, albeit (many) of Spanish origin. If you mean Dominican friars, they are international.

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What was the daily life in nuestra senora de la soledad?

Daily life in Nuestra Señora de la Soledad revolved around farming, tending to livestock, and religious activities. The residents would participate in daily chores, attend mass at the mission church, and receive education from the friars. The community also engaged in crafts such as pottery and weaving, as well as social gatherings and celebrations.

What was daily life like at the mission?

it was hard for the native americans beacause the spanish soldiers were unkind to them.

What did the spanish colonies build to protect their colonies?

They built missions to protect the friars from unfriendly Indians.

Why should you think of Hispanic Heritage when you see the yellow veil of mustard blossoms on the roadside?

Spanish friars and soldiers utilized the seeds of the yellow veil of mustard blossoms for the purpose of making a trail. National Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15 and concludes on October 15.

Why do you think the spanish friars destroyed the records of our ancestors?

Spanish familial and property records 'seemed' to contradict what was believed to be, in that backward era, the 'historical' records of the Bible.

What were the causes of revolt?

Filipino revolts against the Spanish colonizers were mostly triggered by the forced labor imposed by the Spaniards, and the abuses done by Spanish officials and friars.

What did the friars say before Rizal was executed?

Before Rizal was executed, the friars forgave him for his alleged sins and suggested that he retract his writings against the church and the Spanish government in order to obtain absolution.