math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
yes they are used in many ways in math
you use math almost everyday any job you do you use math.
Math is used several different ways in technology. For instance, the Internet is based on a form of math called binary code(this is what all computers work on) Math in technology is used by grocery store owners to see which products are popular and which ones are not.
It is used in almost everything we do in everyday life.
math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it
yes they are used in many ways in math
I am a retired math/science teacher. I used trig every day to teach students.
well, math is important in many ways! when you go to a store, you need to know math. that is one example. there are many other ways which math is important. it is important all over the world. math is part of life!
Everything in life is math. Money spending or saving is math, building is math! Etc! Our lives revolve around math
In life.
you use math almost everyday any job you do you use math.
depends on your ethical view of life. math is very important. it is used in everyday life
There are many ways to use it but one of the ways is that they have to measure how far the star is.
budgetting entertainment insurances
in math
Math is used several different ways in technology. For instance, the Internet is based on a form of math called binary code(this is what all computers work on) Math in technology is used by grocery store owners to see which products are popular and which ones are not.