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Q: What were Sophie Germain's contributions to mathematics?
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What are Sophie Germains families names?

this website stinks!!

What was the name of Sophie germains father?

It was Ambroise-Franҫois Germain.

Were Sophie germains children girls?

yes, they were. They were for over 100 years.

What was Sophie germains personalitly?

shes evil,creepy,and she absolutely HATES EVERYONE

What was Sophie germains accomplishments?

Sophies's main mathematical accomplishment was Germain's Theorem.

What was Sophie Germains parents names?

Her parents were Marie-Madeleine Germain and Ambroise-Franҫois Germain

Who was important in Sophie germains life?

her family and her teachers and espesically gauss the teacher which brought her into school

What was Sophie germains greatest acomplisment?

she was the first woman to win a award and becoming what she wanted to be a mathematicians.

What are the contributions of engineering to mathematics?

Not sure that there were many contributions ofengineering to mathematics. Contributions in the other direction: lots, contributions by engineers: yes.

3 contributions to mathematics from Albert Einstein?

To bad those are all contributions to physics, not mathematics.

What are Ren Descartes' contributions to mathematics?

Rene desscartes was the father of mathematics.

What was the India's contributions to mathematics?

The introduction and the understanding of the zero symbol in mathematics.