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It will be twice as large as the original and have the opposite direction.

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Q: What will be the change if a vector is multiplied by -2?
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How does the volume of a cube change if its dimenstions are doubled?

The volume is multiplied by 2*2*2 = 8

What is gradient of a vector field?

It is the rate of change in the vector for a unit change in the direction under consideration. It may be calculated as the derivative of the vector in the relevant direction.

In a 2 - dimensional cartesian coordinate system the y-component of a given vector is equal to the vector magnitude multiplied by which trigonometric function with respect to the angle between vector?

I disagree with the last response. It is implied that the angle you are speaking of is the angle between the x-axis and the vector (this conventionally where the angle of a vector is always measured from). The function you are asking about is the sine function. previous answer: This question is incorrect, first of all you have to tell the angle between vector and what other thing is formed?

Find a vecot equivalent to the vector PQ with its initial point at the origin and find the magnitude of the vector P equals -4 -3 Q equals -2 2?

vector PQ where P(-4, -3) and Q(-2, 2) equivalent vector P'Q' where P'(0, 0) and Q'(2, 5) the magnitude doesn't change so we can compute |P'Q'| = √(22 + 52) = √29

What are eigenvalues and eigenvectors?

An eigenvector is a vector which, when transformed by a given matrix, is merely multiplied by a scalar constant; its direction isn't changed. An eigenvalue, in this context, is the factor by which the eigenvector is multiplied when transformed.

Related questions

How will you multiply a vector by positive number?

A positive scalar multiplied by a vector, will only change the vector's magnitude, not the direction. A negative scalar multiplied by the vector will reverse the direction by 180°.

When does the vector duplicates?

When it is multiplied by 2.

When a vector is multiplied by a scalar physical quantitythen what will be dimensions of resulting vector?

The same as the original vector. The scalar will change the numbers, but not the dimensions.

Mathematics if a raw vector is multiplied by a column vector what is the product?

if a column vector such as x y is multiplied by a raw vector such as ( 2 0), ( 2 o) x y = 2x so 2x is the image of x y

Can vector quantity be divided and multiplied?

Vector quantities can be added and subtracted using vector addition, but they cannot be divided like scalar quantities. However, vectors can be multiplied in two ways: by scalar multiplication, where a scalar quantity is multiplied by the vector to change its magnitude, or by vector multiplication, which includes dot product and cross product operations that result in a scalar or vector output.

What is meant by vector in interrupts?

i had 2 change what i thought

Can a scalar quantity be the product of 2 vector quantities?

No, a scalar quantity cannot be the product of two vector quantities. Scalar quantities have only magnitude, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. When two vectors are multiplied, the result is a vector, not a scalar.

Is the cross product vector or scalar?

The cross product is a vector. It results in a new vector that is perpendicular to the two original vectors being multiplied.

What is a vector times iteself?

When a vector is multiplied by itself, it is known as the dot product. The result is a scalar quantity, which represents the projection of one vector onto the other. This operation is different from vector multiplication, where the result is a new vector.

Multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in what?

When multiplying a vector by a scalar, each component of the vector is multiplied by the scalar. This operation changes the magnitude of the vector but not its direction. Similarly, dividing a vector by a scalar involves dividing each component of the vector by the scalar.

How does the volume of a cube change if its dimenstions are doubled?

The volume is multiplied by 2*2*2 = 8

When does a vector remain unchanged?

A vector remains unchanged when it is multiplied by a scalar of 1. This is because multiplying a vector by a scalar of 1 effectively scales the vector without changing its direction.