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a phase shifted sine wave of a different amplitude.

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Q: What will be the output of differentiator if the input is sine wave?
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What is distortion in analog electronics?

If you feed a sine wave through an amplifier that isn't exactly linear, the output will be distorted, not a pure sine wave. Distortion is the defect where the output from a device does not mirror the input.

Can a low pass filter be used as an integrator?

When a low pass filter is used with a sine wave input, the output is also a sine wave. The output will be reduced in amplitude and phase shifted when the frequency is high, but it is still a sine wave. This is not the case for square or triangular wave inputs. For non-sinusoidal inputs the circuit is called an integrator.

Why differentiator only produce a square wave?

It doesn't. It can produce any waveform if you feed the integral of the desired waveform into the differentiator's input.

Is the output of half wave rectifier exactly a sinne wave explain?

If a sine wave is applied to a rectifier, and the sine wave is strictly AC (no DC offset), the output will be 1/2 the wave - it will be clipped near zero, as the diode prevents reverse voltages. So the output will NOT be a perfect sine wave.

When a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of a half-wave rectifier what is the output frequency?

The output frequency of the half-wave rectifier will be 60 Hz if the input is a 60 Hz sine wave.One cycle of the input will include the positive going and the negative going portions of the sine wave. The output will have either the positive going or negative going half of the input wave, and will have no output during the other half of the input sine wave when the diode is reverse biased. What that output will look like on an oscilloscope is half a wave and then a "flat spot" where there is no output (owing to the diode being reversed biased). Let's keep going.The frequency of a signal is the number of cycles of the signal per second. Further, we know that in a waveform, one cycle occurs when the wave goes through all of the changes it must go through to, shall we say, get back to where it started. In the half-wave output, the signal goes through half of the input wave, and then the voltage sits at zero. That means that one output cycle consists of that voltage excursion, and that period during which the diode is back biased. So the time for one complete cycle of the output is the same as the time for one complete cycle of the input. Thus, a 60 Hz input signal (that sine wave) will give us a half-wave rectified 60 Hz output signal.

What is output of not gate if sine wave is input?

Completely depends upon frequency of operation and amplitude.

What will be the output if input to integrator is triangular wave?

Try the mathematics and you will see how.For f(x) = ∫x dt, where x is a square wave function, f(x) will be a triangle wave function.Also try what happens where x is a triangle wave function!

What is the relationship of the input frequency and output frequency in a FULL-wave rectifier?

The frequency of a full-wave rectifier is double that of the input, if the input is a sine wave or triangle wave. If the input is a square wave, the output is DC. If the input is a sawtooth wave, the output is a triangle wave of the same frequency.

Draw and analyze the circuit using an op-amp which can convert a triangular wave into a square wave?

You need a differentiator circuit, the simplest of which passes the input through a capacitor to the inverting terminal of a fedback op-amp. The R and C you choose to use depends on the frequency and gain of the signal you are trying to output. See the wikipedia article on operational amplifiers, and find the differentiator, not the differential amplifer (totally different)

What will be the output of the differentiator if a square wave is put into the differentiator?

infinite positive impulse wave on each leading edge, infinite negative impulse wave on each trailing edge. the rest of the time it is 0V. this assumes an ideal square wave, which I must assume as you did not give rise/fall times or edge slew rates.

What will happen if sine wave is given to an gate driver?

square wave output without 180 deg shift...

Design principles of function generator?

A: A function generator do just that output a function from any input. It can be as simple as sine wave, square wave, sawtooth, and ramp generator principle is to provide amplifiers that the output are gated to limits allows sum and subtract the input to provide the desired function. It looks more like an analogue computer when finished if it is very complex in design.