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a%b = a*b/100

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Q: What will be the result of the expression a percent b?
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The algebraic expression for "6 more than the difference of b and 5" can be written as (b - 5) + 6. This expression first calculates the difference between b and 5 by subtracting 5 from b, then adds 6 to the result. This can also be simplified as b + 1, as subtracting 5 and adding 6 cancels out to adding 1.

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The expression 2b - c represents the result of subtracting the value of c from twice the value of b. This can also be written as 2 multiplied by the variable b, then subtracting the value of c. The result will depend on the specific values of b and c.

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The product of twice "a" and "b" can be expressed as: 2ab In this expression, "a" and "b" are variables that represent numerical values. Multiplying "a" and "b" gives their product, and then multiplying the result by 2 gives twice that product.

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The value of a + b depends on the values of the individual variables.The expression a + b cannot be simplified.

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b + 1 is b plus 1 as an algebraic expression.