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Q: What will happen if you get a question wrong?
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What happen if you asked the wrong question on harvest moon animal parade?

Then you will get the wrong answer.

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We think you might have typed something wrong in your question. What exactly is 210?

What is the wrong answer to this question?

The (wrong) answer is, "This is not the answer to the question."

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I'll answer the question when it is properly phrased. The syntax is appalling and the grammar is wrong!!!

If you asked a question and someone got the wrong answer why did they get the wrong answer?

It definitely depends on what the question was and how they attempted to answer it.

What would happen if upside down was the right way up?

This is a contradictory question. Obviously down and up are opposites and therefore not equal. Down cannot be up, no matter if it is right or wrong. You need to rephrase the question.

What question has the wrong answer?

this is it

What is a marginal question?

A question that uses the word why like why did this happen or how did thi happen

What happen if there is a wrong input in a system?

Then the system you are working with will have the wrong process causing things to go wrong

Is the answer to your question wrong?

no and you just stink for doing that question

What will happen if nuclear weapons fall into the wrong hands?

That depends on whose wrong hands.

What happen if the Texas State Trooper wrote down your out of state Driver License Number wrong and my name wrong on the speeding ticket Do you have to pay and responsible for it?

This is an ethical question. If you are a moral person, you will pay and take responsibility for it. However, you will not be held legally liable for it.