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Q: What will happen to your future if people do not cooperate with us to solve this problems?
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What will happen to your future if people do not cooperate with us to these problems?

I believe that if they do not cooperate then there will be a big change in your future make sure that they are trying to help and not trying to mess things up because in what ever case t is they do not need to ruin something that is important. Thanks for asking because I was happy to answer it!

What would happen if people did not cooperate?


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the problems that happen are that people

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You cannot predict the future accurately, but obese people are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, high cholesterol, painful joints (especially knees and hips) and possibly strokes.

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No not yet but maybe it will happen in the future

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People that want to create problems for future wallpaper removers.

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what discoveries can we make when we cooperate with each other

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The best way I've found to stop worrying about the future and the problems I might potentially have in it, is to forget myself entirely. There are people everywhere, and all of them have problems, the moment I begin to see those, and try to help solve them, I forget my own problems, and I don't worry about myself.

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One of the affects of terrorism in the future will be like the other people think is over but, it will happen again in the future.

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Better jobs , money , buissness , And Less economy problems in the future

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because they are a team and they forgive other people

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People answering questions here cannot tell the future, so it is impossible to know what will happen after 50 years.