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around 75% of the population think that it is vandalism but other people like my self think it is art which the artist is trying to cooperate with his work and he is showing his thoughts and feelings.

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Q: What percentage of people think that graffiti is vandalism?
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Related questions

What is the difference between graffiti tags and artwork?

Real graffiti is artwork while graffiti tags are generally considered vandalism. Graffiti artwork adds to the urban landscape, is pleasing to look at and makes one think, while graffiti tags are a quick inscription or signature to let people know you were there.

Why is graffiti illegal?

In my opinion, it is considered vandalism. So that's why I think it is considered illegal. I personally love it!

Why graffiti began?

Depends on the graffiti. In terms of art or vandalism, there is a difference. I think what makes it popular is in terms of expression. People express themselves in different ways and it takes a true artist to tie all this together. One of my all time favorite street/graffiti artists is Phetus.

When is it okay to graffiti?

Depends on the graffiti...if its in terms of art or vandalism...there is a difference. i think what makes it popular is in terms of expression. People express themselves in different ways and it takes a true artist to tie all this together. One of my all time favorite street/graffiti artists is Phetus.

What graffiti does to the community?

Depends on the graffiti...if its in terms of art or vandalism...there is a difference. i think what makes it popular is in terms of expression. People express themselves in different ways and it takes a true artist to tie all this together. One of my all time favorite street/graffiti artists is Phetus.

Is graffiti crime or art?

Yes grafitti is art. It is letter styling, but on walls

Why do people create vandalism?

Rebellion, they think it is fun.

Why graffiti as your concept?

Graffiti is an art, it's appreciated by many people. If you're a talented graffiti artist, I think you should make it your concept.

Is graffiti wrong?

Graffiti is bad because it ruins others property and it is vandalism. If you were to get caught doing graffiti you could go to jail or you would have to do community service! Graffiti could ruin YOUR LIFE if someone caught you doing it! If you wanna do graffiti do it on your own property!!! Then you can't get into trouble because it's YOUR HOUSE or YOUR PROPERTY!! Anyway what I'm trying to say is that graffiti can really mess up your life! Don't do it, or do it somewhere else other than on someone elses property!

What are peoples opinions about graffiti?

I think that graffiti is art and not a crime that would promote greater criminal activity. But it all depends on the place. If the government where to allow graffiti but in areas such as an abandon train tunnels or something along those lines then, it could stop more vandalism, as in "tags" which on my opinion isn't art.

Why do people draw graffiti on trucks?

People Graffiti on trucks because they think it looks good and make them self look cool ( which it doesn't ) they may be board and its just something for them to do, or they may not be aloud to do graffiti at home so they go and find someone's truck to graffiti on. :)

Is graffiti a form of art or vandalism?

It depends on the eye of the beholder. A business person who has his shop covered with graffiti will be upset because it looks like gang members have tagged his store and his customers may be afraid to shop there. Others may see graffiti as a type of art. Some areas allow for murals to be painted such as the Bushwick Collective in Brooklyn.