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The size of an edge.

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Q: What will the cube root of the volume of a cube tell you about the cube?
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What is the cube root of volume of cube?

The volume of a cube is determined by cubing the length of one edge, so the cube root of the volume will give you the length of an edge. (In a cube, all of the edges are the same length)

How do you figure the length of a cube if you know the volume?

Cube root its volume

How do you find the length of a side of a cube when volume is given?

Cube root the volume as for example if its volume was 27 then the cube root of 27 is 3 which is its side length

What is the width height and depth of a 15 TV?

if the volume of a cube = 15, the side = cube root (volume) = cube root (15) = 2.466

Find the lengths of cube when you know the volume?

Take the cube root of the volume.

What is the side length of a cube?

Answer in short: cube root of volume. Side length of a cube is the cube root of the volume of the cube or the square root of the area of one of its sides. Examples: A cube of volume 64 has a side length of 4, and a side area of 16. A cube is a symmetrical three dimensional object.

The length of the edge of a cube is cube root of 6 cm Find the volume of the cube?

In order to find the volume of the cube you multiply length * width * height which is cube root of 6 cm * cube root of 6 cm * cube root of 6 cm = 6 cubic cm

If you have the volume of a cube how do you calculate the dimensions?

Take the cube root of that number. For example, volume is 8 square inches and the cube root of 8 is 2. In case you forgot, if N is the Cube root of a number M then NxNXN=M

How much is a cube that is 8cm in volume?

There is no volume that has units of length. If you meant to write 8cm3 then the cube has all edges 2cm (ie the "cube root" of 8 times the "cube root" of cm3)

How do you find total sueface area of cube when volume is given?

Cube root the volume and square it multiplying it by 6 As for example if its volume was 27 then its cube root is 3 and 32*6 = 54 which is the cube's total surface area

How do you find the sides of a cube when the volume is given?

The side length is the cube root of the volume.

What is the procedure to calculate the edge of a cube of volume 1728 cubic meters?

The volume of a cube is found by cubing the length of an edge. To find the measure of an edge of a cube of a known volume, simply find the cube root of the volume. In this case, the cube root of 1728 is 12. It's actually plus or minus 12, but we drop the minus 12 because shapes can have negative dimensions. Given a cube of known volume, the length of an edge can be found by finding the cube root of the cube's volume.