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Q: What would a graph look like to best represent the height of a 1-lb weight tied to a piece of elastic and dropped from a second story balcony?
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What is the relationship between the dropped height and the rebound height of dropped bouncy balls?

The rebound height of a dropped bouncy ball is generally lower than the dropped height due to energy losses from deformation and air resistance. However, for ideal elastic collisions, the rebound height is approximately equal to the dropped height.

When a ball is dropped and bounces back to its original height what kind of collision is happening between the ball and the ground?

When a ball is dropped and bounces back to its original height, it is experiencing an elastic collision with the ground. In an elastic collision, both kinetic energy and momentum are conserved.

Which example best illustrates a change from elastic potential energy to kinetic energy?

A ball dropped from a height transforms its stored elastic potential energy due to gravity into kinetic energy as it accelerates downward.

When a ball is dropped what type of energy increases?

When a ball is dropped, its potential energy decreases due to the decrease in height, while its kinetic energy increases as it gains speed due to gravity pulling it downwards.

If an elastic ball dropped from the Leaning Tower of Pisa at a height of 179 ft from the ground and on each rebound the ball rises at exactly one tenth of its previous height what the distance will?

198 feet 10.66 inches

What is the height of a balcony height chair compared to a regular height and a bar height?

Balcony Height is in between bar height and standard seating height, approximately 20" to 22" high. Standard height chairs have seats that are usually between 17" and 19" high, and bar stools are normally 24" to 26" high.

What would bounce higher if dropped at the same height a wooden ball or rubber ball?

The rubber ball would bounce higher than the wooden ball when dropped at the same height. Rubber is an elastic material that can store and release more energy upon impact compared to wood, resulting in a higher bounce.

Is there a link between the height the ball is dropped from and the height to which it bounces?

Yes, there is a relationship between the height the ball is dropped from and the height to which it bounces. In a simplified scenario, the higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce due to the conservation of energy and the conversion between potential and kinetic energy during the bounce.

What is the height for a second story balcony railing?

normally 42"

Is the height of a ball bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of the ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of a ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped dependent and independent variable?

The height from which the ball is dropped is the independent variable, as it is what is being manipulated. The height of the ball's bounce is the dependent variable, as it is what is being measured and is affected by the height from which the ball is dropped.