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Q: What would be the present value of 30000.00 to be received in 3 years from today assuming the 6 interest?
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Does the present value of money increase as the number of years before the payment is received increases?

No, it should decrease, assuming the interest rate is the same.

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What is the present value of 5000 received in two years if the interest rate is 7 percent?

Assuming interest is compounded annually, the present value is 5,000 divided by 1.072 .07 is the intererst rate. The exponent is the number of years (2). So the answer is 4,367.20. After the first year, the value is 4367.20 x 1.07 = 4,672.90 Then, at the end of the second year: 4,672.90 x 1.07 = 5,000

If the interest rate is 7 percent What is the present value of 150 to be received in 10 years?

pv= 150/(1+.07)^10 76.14

What is the present perfect tense of received?

Received is the past tense and past participle of receive. The present perfect tense of receive is have/has received.I/We/You/They have receivedHe/She/It has received

How do you derive PVI formula?

The present value interest factor (PVIF) is derived using the formula: PVIF = 1 / (1 + r)^n. This formula calculates the value of $1 received in the future discounted back to its present value using the interest rate (r) and number of periods (n).

What is the Present value of 9000 in 7 years at 8 percent?

Assuming Simple Interest, 9000 + (90 x 7 x 8) ie 9000 + 5040 ie 14040

What is value of money?

The time value of money is based on the premise that an investor prefers to receive a payment of a fixed amount of money today, rather than an equal amount in the future, all else being equal. In particular, if one received the payment today, one can then earn interest on the money until that specified future date. All of the standard calculations are based on the most basic formula, the present value of a future sum, "discounted" to the present. For example, a sum of FV to be received in one year is discounted (at the appropriate rate of r) to give a sum of PV at present. Some standard calculations based on the time value of money are: : Present Value (PV) of an amount that will be received in the future. : Present Value of a Annuity (PVA) is the present value of a stream of (equally-sized) future payments, such as a mortgage. : Present Value of a Perpetuity is the value of a regular stream of payments that lasts "forever", or at least indefinitely. : Future Value (FV) of an amount invested (such as in a deposit account) now at a given rate of interest. : Future Value of an Annuity (FVA) is the future value of a stream of payments (annuity), assuming the payments are invested at a given rate of interest. The time value of money is based on the premise that an investor prefers to receive a payment of a fixed amount of money today, rather than an equal amount in the future, all else being equal. In particular, if one received the payment today, one can then earn interest on the money until that specified future date. All of the standard calculations are based on the most basic formula, the present value of a future sum, "discounted" to the present. For example, a sum of FV to be received in one year is discounted (at the appropriate rate of r) to give a sum of PV at present. Some standard calculations based on the time value of money are: : Present Value (PV) of an amount that will be received in the future. : Present Value of a Annuity (PVA) is the present value of a stream of (equally-sized) future payments, such as a mortgage. : Present Value of a Perpetuity is the value of a regular stream of payments that lasts "forever", or at least indefinitely. : Future Value (FV) of an amount invested (such as in a deposit account) now at a given rate of interest. : Future Value of an Annuity (FVA) is the future value of a stream of payments (annuity), assuming the payments are invested at a given rate of interest.

What is the present value of 2500 to be received at the beginning of each of 30 periods and discounted at 10 percent compound interest?

The present value of a series of payments with compound interest and payments at the end of a period can be found by the formula:PV = c * (1-(1+i)^(-n))/iwhere 'c' is the amount of the periodic payment,n is the number of periods, and i is the interest rate per period.Since you want to find the Present Value for payments starting at the beginning of the period, you would receive 1 payment of 2500 now, which would have a present value of 2500, plus the present value of 29 payments received at the end of the period:PV = 2500 + 2500 * (1-(1+.10)^(-29))/(0.10) = 25924.01

What is the present value of a 30 year annuity with payments of 7000 per year if interest rates are 8 percent annually?

85,109 if the payments are received at the start of each year and 78,804 if they are received at the end of each year

What tense is has received?

"Has received" is in the present perfect tense. It indicates an action that started in the past and has just been completed or has relevance to the present moment.

Is the word received in past tense or present tense?

"received" is the past tense. The present tense of that word is "receive"