If you were born in 1993, you would currently be 16 year old. If your birthday fell in the last 7 days - January 1 - 7 - then you would have turned 17, as you will in 2010.
If it is the year of 2010, you would be 25 years old.
As of March 2014, that person would be 17. Provided it is after the birthdate, take the current year and subtract it from the birth year.
You would have been born in the year ~ 1948.
No.If you were born on the year 2001 then you would be born on the year of the snake.
2009 = 2016 - 7
June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.June 7. The year he was born was 1940.
Hmmm, you have not put a date down so if you are currently 27 and have not had a birthday in the last 7 days of this year - 2010, I would say you were born in the year 1982. If your birthday fell between January 1 and 7, 2010, then you would have been born in 1983.
If you were born in 1993, you would currently be 16 year old. If your birthday fell in the last 7 days - January 1 - 7 - then you would have turned 17, as you will in 2010.
If it is the year of 2010, you would be 25 years old.
As of March 2014, that person would be 17. Provided it is after the birthdate, take the current year and subtract it from the birth year.
Do you mean graduate high school? Then the answer would be 2010.
You would have been born in the year ~ 1948.
Whenever you were born, it would still be the current year.
the answer is that they are in year 7
Dennis Creevy's first year was in book 4. (His brother Colin would have been in his third year) So in book 7 he would have been in the fourth year had he attended, which he didn't as he was muggle born.