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if 14 grams of nitrogen is formed, then 8 grams of oxygen, add those two together and you get 22. and that's 22 of the 40 grams used, so 40 subtracted by 22 is 18.

18 grams of water would be formed.

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Q: When 40 grams of ammonium nitrate explode 14 grams of nitrogen qnd 8 grams of oxygen form How many grams of water form?
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Related questions

How many different elemnts in ammonium nitrate?

Ammonium nitrate contains three different elements: nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Whats in ammonium nitrate?

It is a chemical compound of nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen.

What is the compound name for nitrogen hydrogen and oxygen?

The compound name for nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen is Ammonium Nitrate (NH4NO3).

What is the difference in ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate fertelizers?

Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is a nitrogen-rich fertilizer that provides quick-release nitrogen to plants, while calcium nitrate fertilizer is a source of both calcium and nitrogen that can help improve plant cell structure and nutrient uptake. Calcium nitrate is less likely to volatilize or leach compared to ammonium nitrate, making it more stable and suitable for certain soil types or growing conditions.

How many different elements are present there in ammonium nitrate?

Ammonium nitrate contains three different elements: nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H).

What is the percent composition of ammonium nitrate?

Ammonium nitrate has a percent composition of approximately 35% nitrogen and 69.3% oxygen. The remaining percentage is made up of hydrogen and ammonium ions.

Is ammonium nitrate an element compound or mixture?

Ammonium nitrate is a compound, not an element. It is made up of the elements nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen combined in a specific ratio.

How many atoms are present in ammonium nitrate?

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What molecule in the ground is nitrogen found in when oxygen is around?

When oxygen is present, nitrogen in the ground is typically found in the form of nitrate (NO3-). This is because nitrogen undergoes nitrification, a process where certain bacteria convert ammonium into nitrate in the presence of oxygen. Nitrate is a common form of nitrogen that plants can readily absorb.

How many elements are there in one molecule in ammonium nitrate?

There are 19 atoms in one molecule of ammonium nitrate: 2 nitrogen atoms, 4 oxygen atoms, and 9 hydrogen atoms.

How many atoms are represented in the formula for ammonium nitrate?

9 atoms Here is the formula for ammonium nitrate. NH4NO3 This shows there are two nitrogen atoms, 4 hydrogen, and 3 oxygen. So 1 (nitrogen) + 1(nitrogen) + 4(hydrogen) + 3(oxygen) = 9 atoms

How many atoms are present in the formula of ammoium nitrate?

The formula for ammonium nitrate is NH4NO3. This formula contains a total of 14 atoms: 2 nitrogen atoms, 5 hydrogen atoms, and 3 oxygen atoms.