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Q: When ABCD is multiply with 9 you will get DCBA how and which digits were implimented for each letters?
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What is abcd?

just abcd Actually, it is the first four letters of the alphabet. in geometry?

Are there 26 letters in ABCD...?

Yes.... -_-l!ii

What is the data type that can hold letters of the alphabet?


How can wild cards be used to retrieve identical files?

Because - for example - if you search for abcd*.* - the file system will search for any file beginning with the letters abcd. If you search for abcd*.txt - the system will find only files beginning abcd and having the extension .txt

What are characters they want 4 of them to make a password?

Password characters can include -- the digits, 0 through 9 . . . . . ten choices -- the letters, A through Z . . . . . 26 choices -- some systems can tell the difference between capital letters and small letters, so you have another 26 choices . . . the small letters 'a' through 'z' -- some systems also let you use special characters, like !, @, #, $, %, &, *, ?, / If your system allows all of these, and you need 4 characters for a password, then you can make almost 4 billion different passwords ! Here are a few examples of passwords you can make with 4 characters: 1234 ABCD abcd AbcD A3g9 2c4? Home homE 1776 bush fONe five 5ive

Can you circle the letters that name the pattern unit abcd abcb abac acba?


How many ways you can write 3 letters on a tag using each of the letters abcd with repetition?

4*4*4 = 64 ways.

What 4 digit number dcba equals abcd multiplied by 9?

dcba = 9 x abcd dcba/9 = abcd Since the quotient is also a 4 digit number, then d in order to be divided by 9, must be the biggest digit which is 9. So that d = 9 and a = 1. The same way for other digits... So that we have: dcba = 9 x abcd 9999 = 9 x 1111

How do you find the abcd of a squarE ABCD?

Define abcd!

In parallelogram ABCD ACBD. is ABCD a rectangle?

In parallelogram ABCD, AC=BD. Is ABCD a rectangle?