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you probably have a sinus infection especially if your head or under your eyes hurt because that's where your sinus's you probably should go to a doctor.

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Q: When I move my eyes side to side up and down it hurts Why?
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false. Fish move their tails side to side to aid motion. However, whales were once land animals and their spines are built differently. To be able to move with that physical set up, their tails move up and down.

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A flounder does remain upright until it matures. The eyes of the flounder are on each side of its head. Once the flounder matures, it becomes a bottom dweller, turning flat onto its side, and the eyes slowly move position.

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No they only have 2 eyes. They can move their heads all the way around so...yah.

Do snails have eyes?

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You could have a slipt disc in your lower back, they are very painful.

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