By 1.
The number is 243 because 243/243 = 1 and any number divided by itself is always equal to 1
It is a multiple of 1
810: quotient 1, remainder 1
A multiple of 1 because there is no change in the number being divided as for example 19/1 = 19
By 1.
The number is 243 because 243/243 = 1 and any number divided by itself is always equal to 1
When an integer is divided by 1 same integer number will be the quotient
When a number is divided by one then it is the number that is being divided by 1
It is a multiple of 1
57 goes into 57 one time. When any number is divided by itself, the quotient is always 1.
Any real number (besides zero) divided by itself is equal to 1. In algebraic terms, if x is a non-zero real number then x/x=1. Zero is the exception because dividing a number by zero is undefined. For example 5 divided by itself is 1. 5/5=1
The number 1. Unless the number is 0, in which case, the quotient is not defined.
810: quotient 1, remainder 1