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It ultimately depends on the areas of the two shapes:

Acircle = pi*r2

Asquare = l2

Fraction shaded = Acircle / Asquare = pi*r2/ l2

If the circle fills the square (e.g. l=2r) then the formula simplifies considerably:

pi*r2/4r2 = pi/4

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Q: When a shaded circle is inside a square what fraction of the square is shaded?
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How find the area of a square when a circle is inside?

You find the area of the whole square first. Then you find the area of the circle inside of it And then subtract the area of the circle from the area of the square and then you get the shaded area of the square

In a pedigree if a mother is represented by a shaded circle and a father is representeed by a shaded square their children can be represented by either shaded or unshaded circles or squares?

A shade circle ontop of a shaded square. ES

A square is inscribed in a circle of radius 7cmFind the area of square and the area shaded?

The area of the square is 98 square cm. Assuming the shaded area is the remainder of the circle, its area is 55.9 square cm (approx).

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A circle with a radius of 135 units has an area of 57,255.53 square units.

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(Length of side of square)^2 - Pi * radius^2

Define the sumbols used in a pedigree a square a circle an unshaded circle a shaded square a horizontal line and a vertical line?

In a pedigree:=a square means male, a circle means female, an unshaded circle means that doesn't have traits and a shaded square means has traits.==the horizontal line describe that they are parents and vertical line describes that they are the offspring of that parents.=

The circle has a radius of 12cm What is the area of the shaded part?

Since there is no shaded part, the answer must be that its area is 0 square units.

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It is difficult to say since there is no image and it is not clear what part is shaded. But, if there is a circle with a 12 metre diameter which contains two equal circles which are as large as possible, then the shaded area is probably 56.55 square metres.

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The answer depends on their relative size: is the circle inside the square, the square inside the circle or something else?

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