A number is termed as a proper divisor of another number when after division the reminder is '0' i.e., the number is a factor of the divisor. Ex: 10 is the number and 2 is the proper divisor because 10/2 = 5 and reminder = 0.
The number 0.
Division by zero is undefined.
Divisions will not have a remainder if the divisor is a factor of the number. eg 6/2=3
A number is termed as a proper divisor of another number when after division the reminder is '0' i.e., the number is a factor of the divisor. Ex: 10 is the number and 2 is the proper divisor because 10/2 = 5 and reminder = 0.
The number 0.
Division by zero is undefined.
That's a terminating decimal.
Divisions will not have a remainder if the divisor is a factor of the number. eg 6/2=3
Nothing, because zero cannot go into anything.
3,456 x 4 = 13,824 13,824 + 1 = 13,825 13,825 / 7 = 1,975 Answer: 13,825 remainder not reminder, by the way
You cannot get 0 using only those numbers and division.