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Often it is that the two means are the same. But more generally, it is that some function of the two means is zero.

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Q: When comparing two sample means what is the null hypothesis?
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What is another name for the probability of observing a sample value at least as extreme as a given on under a null hypothesis?

The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis. The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis. The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis. The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis.

When you reject the Null Hypothesis that means that the Null Hypothesis cannot be correct?

No. Rejecting the Null Hypothesis means that there is a high degree of probability that it is not correct. This degree of probability is the critical level that you choose for the test statistic. However, there is still a small probability that the null hypothesis was correct.

What is the null hypothesis of a one-way ANOVA What is the alternate hypothesis?

Null hypothesis of a one-way ANOVA is that the means are equal. Alternate hypothesis a one-way ANOVA is that at least one of the means are different.

Explain what is meant by null hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is an hypothesis about some population parameter. The goal of hypothesis testing is to check the viability of the null hypothesis in the light of experimental data. Based on the data, the null hypothesis either will or will not be rejected as a viable possibility.

What does the researcher hope to do with the null hypothesis (the opposite of the research hypothesis)?

Be able to reject the null hypothesis and accept the research hypothesis

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What is the meaning of null hypthesis being rejected?

You may want to prove that a given statistic of a population has a given value. This is the null hypothesis. For this you take a sample from the population and measure the statistic of the sample. If the result has a small probability of being (say p = .025) if the null hypothesis is correct, then the null hypothesis is rejected (for p = .025) in favor of an alternative hypothesis. This can be simply that the null hypothesis is incorrect.

What increases the chances of rejecting null hypothesis?

sample size

What is the difference between alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis?

In research, a null hypothesis means that no results will be found. An alternative hypothesis means that results will be found.

What is another name for the probability of observing a sample value at least as extreme as a given on under a null hypothesis?

The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis. The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis. The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis. The significance level of the observation - under the null hypothesis.

What is the major difference between the null and alternative hypothesis?

In research, a null hypothesis means that no results will be found. An alternative hypothesis means that results will be found.

When you reject the Null Hypothesis that means that the Null Hypothesis cannot be correct?

No. Rejecting the Null Hypothesis means that there is a high degree of probability that it is not correct. This degree of probability is the critical level that you choose for the test statistic. However, there is still a small probability that the null hypothesis was correct.

What does the researcher hope to do with null hypothesis (the opposite ofthe research hypothesis)?

In fact, any statistical relationship in a sample can be interpreted in two ways: ... The purpose of null hypothesis testing is simply to help researchers decide ... the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative hypothesis—concluding that there is a ...

How do you calculate the probability of observing a sample proportion of .32 or more?

You need a null hypothesis first. You then calculate the probability of the observation under the conditions specified by the null hypothesis.

Can you not reject null hypothesis?

you do not need to reject a null hypothesis. If you don not that means "we retain the null hypothesis." we retain the null hypothesis when the p-value is large but you have to compare the p-values with alpha levels of .01,.1, and .05 (most common alpha levels). If p-value is above alpha levels then we fail to reject the null hypothesis. retaining the null hypothesis means that we have evidence that something is going to occur (depending on the question)

If a test of hypothesis has a type I error probability of 0.01 it means?

It means that, if the null hypothesis is true, there is still a 1% chance that the outcome is so extreme that the null hypothesis is rejected.

What is the null hypothesis of a one-way ANOVA What is the alternate hypothesis?

Null hypothesis of a one-way ANOVA is that the means are equal. Alternate hypothesis a one-way ANOVA is that at least one of the means are different.