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Q: When do we use bearings in real life?
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Are abec 11 bearings real?

yeas ABEC 11 bearings are real. there for going realy fast on down hill events. they are mainly for skateboardes but you can use them on scooters aswell

How are bearings used in real life?

they ca help us locating places.they help us find out our way

How do you use bearings in a sentence?

The bearings where sent north

When are bearing used in real life?

Bearings are used in everyday life for builds such as; wind turbines, turn tables, car transmission gears, aircraft landing wheels and windows. the most common angle points used for these bearings are 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 360 degrees.

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School is part of real life... if you are using equations in school that is real.

What kind of estate establishes the ownership of property for only the life of the owner?

A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.

How are egyptian boats similar to us in real life?

They are similiar because we use them in real life

Use of ap in real life?

If you mean attack power, no...thats in a game not real life.

Are there different bearing sizes for longboard?

There are 8mm bearings and 10mm bearings. Unless the truck says that it needs 10mm bearings (ex. Bear 1052 trucks, the 10 is for the bearings and 52 for baseplate angle) it will use 8mm bearings. Most precision trucks use 10 mm bearings.

Is Bella a vampire now in real life?

Bella from the book series Twilight is not a real person and therefore cannot become a vampire. It should also be noted that vampires have no bearings of being real from the modern world's extent of research on vampires.

What type of grease should be used for bicycle wheel bearings?

For bicycle wheel bearings, it is recommended to use a high-quality lithium-based grease that is specifically designed for bearings. This type of grease provides good lubrication and protection against water and dirt, helping to extend the life of the bearings and improve overall performance of the bicycle.