There is normally no occasion when you would need to multiply the numerator and denominator of a fraction.
None. Multiply numerator by the numerator and denominator by denominator.
yes. you multiply the numerator and denominator
you multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator.
Multiply the numerator of the fraction by 2 to get the new numerator. Multiply the denominator of the fraction by 3 to get the new denominator. Answer = (new numerator)/(new denominator).
When you multiply fractions just line them up (denominator and denominator, numerator and numerator) then multiply across. Simplify.
None. Multiply numerator by the numerator and denominator by denominator.
you switch the numerator with the denominator then multiply the numerator first then the denominator.
yes. you multiply the numerator and denominator
you multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator.
Multiply the numerator of the fraction by the same amount that you multiply the denominator of that fraction.
Multiply the numerator of the fraction by 2 to get the new numerator. Multiply the denominator of the fraction by 3 to get the new denominator. Answer = (new numerator)/(new denominator).
When you multiply fractions just line them up (denominator and denominator, numerator and numerator) then multiply across. Simplify.
Multiply the answer by the denominator.
all you do is multiply the numerator to what the denominator is and it will turn out to be a whole number
If you wish to multiply a fraction (numerator and denominator) by a number, you multiply the numerator by the number and leave the denominator as it was. For example, 2/3 * 4 = 8/3
There is normally no occasion when you would need to multiply the numerator and denominator of a fraction.
Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number or divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number