Multiply numerator by the numerator
and denominator by denominator.
In order to divide two fractions, multiply the first times the reciprocal of the second.
" ... multiply by the RECIPROCAL of the divisor.
Yes. One method for dividing fractions is to multiply the numerator fraction by the reciprocal of the denominator fraction.
To divide two fractions, multiply the first by the reciprocal of the second.
A reciprocal is when you take the second fraction in a division problem and flip it Then change the sign to multiply. THIS ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU ARE DIVIDING FRACTIONS!
In order to divide two fractions, multiply the first times the reciprocal of the second.
" ... multiply by the RECIPROCAL of the divisor.
Yes. One method for dividing fractions is to multiply the numerator fraction by the reciprocal of the denominator fraction.
To divide two fractions, multiply the first by the reciprocal of the second.
A reciprocal is when you take the second fraction in a division problem and flip it Then change the sign to multiply. THIS ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU ARE DIVIDING FRACTIONS!
Me is actually not impossible divide fractions. You just take the reciprocal of the dividend and multiply.
There is very little that is unique about the process of dividing fractions. Multiply by the reciprocal.
Reciprocal just means that you flip the fraction... your fraction is -p/4 the reciprocal is 4/-p the reciprocal is extremely important when dividing fractions. because when you divide fractions you have to take the reciprocal of the bottom fraction and then multiply it to your top fraction to get your answer.
Change the second fraction to its reciprocal. Multiply them.
When dividing fractions, the denominators don't matter. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second.
When you divide fractions you need to multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. You would also use it anytime the multiplicative inverse is required.
It's easier to multiply the reciprocal.