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Let f be a function and a be the given point you are considering. Then,

f(x) - f(a)

is the difference quotient. If the limit as x approaches a exists, then the function is differentiable at a, or we say the derivative exists at a. If that limit does not exist, then the derivative does not exist at that point.

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Q: When does the derivative of a function exist at a given point?
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How do you find the minimum or maximum of a function?

By taking the derivative of the function. At the maximum or minimum of a function, the derivative is zero, or doesn't exist. And end-point of the domain where the function is defined may also be a maximum or minimum.

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A derivative of a function represents that equation's slope at any given point on its graph.

What are the uses of derivatives?

A derivative of a function represents that equation's slope at any given point on its graph.

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If the second derivative of a function is zero, then the function has a constant slope, and that function is linear. Therefore, any point that belongs to that function lies on a line.

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The answer will depend on the context. If the curve in question is a differentiable function then the gradient of the tangent is given by the derivative of the function. The gradient of the tangent at a given point can be evaluated by substituting the coordinate of the point and the equation of the tangent, though that point, is then given by the point-slope equation.

What is differentiability in math?

A function is differentiable at a point if the derivative exists there.

How do you graph the slope of a function?

For example, if the slope at a certain point is 1.5, you can draw a line that goes through the specified point, with that slope. The line would represent the slope at that point. If you want to graph the slope at ALL POINTS, take the derivative of the function, and graph the derivative. The derivative shows the slope of a function at all points.

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The graph of a linear function is a line with a constant slope. The graph of an exponential function is a curve with a non-constant slope. The slope of a given curve at a specified point is the derivative evaluated at that point.

What does the word derive mean?

In math, the derivative of a function is the graph of the function's slope, or the rate of change of a function at a given point. In other senses, it means something that is derived, or comes from, something else.

How do you Find derivative to get the slope?

the deivative of a function is the gradient, at a point if you can sub in the x coordinate for that point

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There are several uses. For example: * When analyzing curves, the second derivative will tell you whether the curve is convex upwards, or convex downwards. * The Taylor series, or MacLaurin series, lets you calculate the value of a function at any point... or at least, at any point within a given interval. This method uses ALL derivatives of a function, i.e., in principle you must be able to calculate the first derivative, the second derivative, the third derivative, etc.

How is the function differentiable in graph?

If the graph of the function is a continuous line then the function is differentiable. Also if the graph suddenly make a deviation at any point then the function is not differentiable at that point . The slope of a tangent at any point of the graph gives the derivative of the function at that point.