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Q: At the maximum point the value of the second derivative of a function is?
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How do you find the minimum or maximum of a function?

By taking the derivative of the function. At the maximum or minimum of a function, the derivative is zero, or doesn't exist. And end-point of the domain where the function is defined may also be a maximum or minimum.

If second derivative is 0 and third derivative is 0 What is true about that point?

If the second derivative of a function is zero, then the function has a constant slope, and that function is linear. Therefore, any point that belongs to that function lies on a line.

How do you know if a point is a maximum or a minimum?

Usually at the minimum or maximum of a function, one of the following conditions arises:The derivative is zero.The derivative is undefined.The point is at the end-points of the domain that is being considered (or of the naturally-defined domain, for example, zero for the square root).This will give you "candidate points"; to find out whether each of these candidate points actually is a maximum or a minimum, additional analysis is required. For example, if the second derivative is positive, you have a minimum, if the second derivative is negative, you have a maximum - but if it is zero, it may be a maximum, a minimum, or neither.

How do you determine the relative minimum and relative maximum values of functions and the intervals on which functions are decreasing or increasing?

You take the derivative of the function. The derivative is another function that tells you the slope of the original function at any point. (If you don't know about derivatives already, you can learn the details on how to calculate in a calculus textbook. Or read the Wikipedia article for a brief introduction.) Once you have the derivative, you solve it for zero (derivative = 0). Any local maximum or minimum either has a derivative of zero, has no defined derivative, or is a border point (on the border of the interval you are considering). Now, as to the intervals where the function increase or decreases: Between any such maximum or minimum points, you take any random point and check whether the derivative is positive or negative. If it is positive, the function is increasing.

What does it mean for a function when the graph of the derivative crosses the x-axis?

This means that the function has reached a local maximum or minimum. Since the graph of the derivative crosses the x-axis, then this means the derivative is zero at the point of intersection. When a derivative is equal to zero then the function has reached a "flat" spot for that instant. If the graph of the derivative crosses from positive x to negative x, then this indicates a local maximum. Likewise, if the graph of the derivative crosses from negative x to positive x then this indicates a local minimum.

What is the derivative value at an inflection point?

the second derivative at an inflectiion point is zero

How do you trace a curve in differential calculus?

To trace a curve using differential calculus, you use the fact that the first derivative of the function is the slope of the curve, and the second derivative is the slope of the first derivative. What this means is that the zeros (roots) of the first derivative give the extrema (max or min) or an inflection point of the function. Evaluating the first derivative function at either side of the zero will tell you whether it is a min/max or inflection point (i.e. if the first derivative is negative on the left of the zero and positive on the right, then the curve has a negative slope, then a min, then a positive slope). The second derivative will tell you if the curve is concave up or concave down by evaluating if the second derivative function is positive or negative before and after extrema.

What is the critical point called?

The critical point is called the point at which a function's derivative is zero or undefined. At this point, the function may have a local maximum, minimum, or an inflection point.

What to do when second derivative is equal to zero while calculating Maxima and Minima?

Plot the function. You may have found an inflection point.

When does the derivative of a function exist at a given point?

Let f be a function and a be the given point you are considering. Then,f(x) - f(a)---------------(x-a)is the difference quotient. If the limit as x approaches a exists, then the function is differentiable at a, or we say the derivative exists at a. If that limit does not exist, then the derivative does not exist at that point.

What is the use of successive differentiation?

There are several uses. For example: * When analyzing curves, the second derivative will tell you whether the curve is convex upwards, or convex downwards. * The Taylor series, or MacLaurin series, lets you calculate the value of a function at any point... or at least, at any point within a given interval. This method uses ALL derivatives of a function, i.e., in principle you must be able to calculate the first derivative, the second derivative, the third derivative, etc.

How do you find the minimum or maximum of a function and example?

It depends on the function. Some functions, for example any polynomial of odd order, will have no maximum or minimum. Some functions, such as the sine or cosine functions, will have an infinite number of maxima and minima. If a function is differentiable then a turning point can be found by finding the zero of its derivative. This could be a maximum, minimum or a point of inflexion. If the derivative before this zero is negative and after the zero is positive then the point is a minimum. If it goes from positive to negative, the pont is a maximum, and if it has the same sign (either both +ve or both -ve) then it is a point of inflexion. A second derivative can help answer this quicker, but it need not exist. These are all well behaved functions. The task is much more complicated for ill behaved functions. Consider, for example, the difference between consecutive primes. The minimum is clearly 1 (between 2 and 3) but the maximum? Or the number of digits between 1 and 4 in the decimal expansio of pi = 3.14159.... Minimum digit between = 0 (they are consecutive near the start of pi), but maximum?