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Q: When is the absolute value of a difference equal to the difference of the absolue values?
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What numbers have equal absolute values?

A positive and negative number with the same magnitude (value) will have their absolute values equal.

The difference of a negative integer and a positive integer is?

An integer that is equal in magnitude to the sum of their absolute values. Its sign is the same as which of the two numbers you are taking the difference from. For example, for the integers 5 and -7. Their absolute values are 5 and 7 so that the sum of the absolute values is 5+7 = 12. Then 5 - (-7) = +12 and -7 - 5 = -12.

Is the sum of an absolute value is the same of their absolute values?

The sum of the absolute values of two numbers is greater or equal than the absolute values of the sum. It will be equal if both are positive or both are negative; greater if one is positive and one is negative. Try it out with some sample numbers!

Can the absolute value of a number equal a negative number?

no all absolute values are positive

When the absolute value of a difference equal to the difference of the absolute values?

They will be equal if a is bigger than b if positive, and b is bigger than a if negative. Or if a is equal to b.I might not have gotten that completely correct, but I did my best. I hope it makes sense to you was helpful. Please do not just copy it down, but put it into your own words. Thanks! (And you're welcome!) ;)

When is the absolute value of a difference equal to the difference of the absolute values?

They will be equal if a is bigger than b if positive, and b is bigger than a if negative. Or if a is equal to b.I might not have gotten that completely correct, but I did my best. I hope it makes sense to you was helpful. Please do not just copy it down, but put it into your own words. Thanks! (And you're welcome!) ;)

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How can you tell if adding two rational numbers with different is a positive negative or zero?

Consider the absolute values (the numerical values ignoring the signs) of the two numbers. If these are equal then the sum is equal; otherwise the sum takes the sign of which ever number has the larger absolute value.

What is the reason for percent error?

Percent error is used when you are comparing your result to a known or accepted value. It is the absolute value of the difference of the values divided by the accepted value, and written as a percentage. Percent error is equal to the difference divided by the known times 100 percent.

When two integers add to zero?

Two integerss add to zero when their absolute values are equal and they have opposite signs.

How many numbers have an absolute value equal to 5?

on the real number line there are 2 values with |5|, ie +5 and -5. on the complex plane there are an infinite set of values with an absolute value of 5, ie all the points of distance 5 from the origin.

What are the values of m when l equal two?

You need to show the equation. It makes a difference.