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Its volume measured in cubic units.

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Q: When measuring the amount of space in a three-dimensional figure you are finding what?
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What are you finding if you measure the space that a solid figure occupies?

You are finding the volume of the solid figure.To find the volume of a solid figure, depending on the size of the object, you can use a graduated cylinder. You can fill the cylinder up to x amount of water and then measure the amount after dropping the solid into the water, and then subtract the amount before, from the amount after, to get the volume of a solid. You can also use simple mathematics to figure the volume of the solid. There are different formulas for calculating volume for different types of solid figures.

What are you measuring in volume?

Volume is the measure of the amount of space inside of a solid figure, like a cube, ball, cylinder, or pyramid. It's units are always "cubic", that is, the number of little element cubes that fit inside the figure.

What can i not use when constructing a figure?

Measuring tools: Ruler or Protractor .

How do you figure length width to square a building?

use a measuring tape

What is 'surface area' of a geometric figure?

-- The amount of paper you'd have if you cut the figure out. -- The amount of carpet you need to completely cover the figure.

How do you find the six figure grid reference?

Six figure grid reference can be find by first measuring eastings and than northings.

What is the measure of the amount of space a solid figure occupies called?

The measure of the amount of space a solid figure is Volume

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you multiply it by the serving amount..

What is the area of the figure?

The area of the figure is the amount of space enclosed by its perimeter.

How is the NASDAQ's composite figure calculated?

The index's composite figure is computed by measuring the market value of all common stocks listed on the NASDAQ.

What are the formula uses in finding area of a given solid figure?

The answer depends very much on the shape of the solid figure.

What is the amount of space a 2-D figure occupies?

The amount of space a 2-D figure occupies is known as area.