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1 in 4.

Your choices are to have an odd or even total, which is a 1 in 2 chance.

In order to get an even number, you have to have both die even or odd. So that cuts the 1 in 2 in half, giving you a 1 in 4 chance of both dice being even. (1 in 2 for even times 1 in 2 both even gives you 1 in 4.)

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Q: When rolling two dice what are the odds of getting both dice to land on even numbers?
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When rolling two dice what are the odds of rolling both even numbers?

The probability of rolling two even numbers on two standard dice is 0.52, or 0.25.

When rolling two dice what are the odds of rolling two even numbers?

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The answer depends on how many dice you roll and how often. If you roll four dice once, the probability of getting a double AND two odd numbers is 264/1296 = 11/54

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1 in 6. As there are 6 different numbers. 1/6 as a fraction

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I'm assuming your question is the same as this: "If 2 dice are rolled, what is the probability of not getting 1 on either die?" To answer this question, we need to look at what IS possible. If I'm 2 rolling normal, fair dice, then I have equal probability of getting each of the numbers 1-6 on either die. If I'm trying to NOT get 1, then I want to get any of the numbers 2-6 on both dice. This gives me 10 desired outcomes (5 numbers * 2 dice) out of 12 possible outcomes (6 numbers * 2 dice), so the probability is 10/12, which simplifies to 5/6.

If you roll 2 dice What are of odds of getting both even numbers?


What are the odds of getting two even numbers when rolling two dice?

The odds are 1:3. The probability is 1/4 or 25%.

Any certain outcomes about rolling both even numbers?

The answer depends on what is being rolled, how many times and also on what variable is being recoded.

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The probability of rolling 12 with 2 dice is 1 in 36. The probability of not rolling 12 with 2 dice is 35 in 36.