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When the arrow representing the vector would point toward negative x.

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Q: When should you express a vector along the x axis as a negative vector?
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A vector a is along the positive z axis and it's vector product with another vector b is zero then vector b could be?

Vector b would be along the z axis, it could have any magnitude.

Is costheta is a vector?

No. Cos theta (Cos θ) is a trigonometric function. A vector is any physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction. For example, Displacement. Displacement has a magnitude like 240m or 0 or 13 m, etc. It also depends on the direction. If an object moves along the positive direction of x-axis, then the displacement will have a positive sign and if it moves along the negative direction of x-axis, then displacement will be negative. Thus, it has both direction and magnitude and so is a vector. Cos theta is a trigonometric function, strictly speaking.

Vector V 1 is 6.6 units long and points along the negative x axis Vector V 2 is 8.5 units long and points at 55 to the positive x axisWhat are the x and y components of vector V 1?

The x component of V1 is -6.6 the y component of V1 is 0.

If vector A is perpendicular to vector B and C then Vector A is parallel to?

Vector A is parallel to the cross product of vectors B and C, and it is parallel to the axis that neither B or C lie along if the two other axes are defined as the axes that B and C lie along.

If the component of vector A along the direction of vector B is zero. What can you conclude about these two vectors?

Their directions are perpendicular.

Related questions

When should you express a vector along the x-axis as a negative vector?

You should express a vector along the x-axis as negative when it points in the negative x-direction relative to a chosen positive direction. This convention helps maintain consistency with vector addition and trigonometric methods.

Is a torque vector quantity?

Yes. The "direction" of the vector is along the axis of rotation.Yes. The "direction" of the vector is along the axis of rotation.Yes. The "direction" of the vector is along the axis of rotation.Yes. The "direction" of the vector is along the axis of rotation.

What are the projections of a vector along the axes of a coordinate system?

A tangent of the vector is the projection of a vector along the axes of a coordinate system.

A vector a is along the positive z axis and it's vector product with another vector b is zero then vector b could be?

Vector b would be along the z axis, it could have any magnitude.

Can a vector directed along x-axis have y-axis component?

At what angle should a vector be directed to so that its x component is equal to its y component

Is costheta is a vector?

No. Cos theta (Cos θ) is a trigonometric function. A vector is any physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction. For example, Displacement. Displacement has a magnitude like 240m or 0 or 13 m, etc. It also depends on the direction. If an object moves along the positive direction of x-axis, then the displacement will have a positive sign and if it moves along the negative direction of x-axis, then displacement will be negative. Thus, it has both direction and magnitude and so is a vector. Cos theta is a trigonometric function, strictly speaking.

What is translation along the vector?

Translation along a vector involves moving an object in a specific direction by a specified distance based on the properties of the vector. This operation involves shifting the object without rotating or changing its orientation, following the direction and magnitude of the vector.

Vector V 1 is 6.6 units long and points along the negative x axis Vector V 2 is 8.5 units long and points at 55 to the positive x axisWhat are the x and y components of vector V 1?

The x component of V1 is -6.6 the y component of V1 is 0.

How a vector can be express in term of its rectangular component?

A vector can be expressed in terms of its rectangular components by breaking it down into its horizontal and vertical components. These components represent the projection of the vector onto the x and y axes. The vector can then be expressed as the sum of these components using the appropriate unit vectors (i and j for x and y directions, respectively).

If vector A is perpendicular to vector B and C then Vector A is parallel to?

Vector A is parallel to the cross product of vectors B and C, and it is parallel to the axis that neither B or C lie along if the two other axes are defined as the axes that B and C lie along.

If the component of vector A along the direction of vector B is zero. What can you conclude about these two vectors?

Their directions are perpendicular.

What is component in vector?

In vector terms, a component refers to the portion of the vector along a particular direction or axis. It is the projection of the vector onto that specific direction. For example, a vector in two dimensions can be broken down into its horizontal and vertical components.