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Q: When solving an equation using the distributive property of the number being distributed are fractions what is your first step?
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How is distributive property used when solving an equation?

When applying distributive property to solve an equation, you multiply each term by term. For instance: a(b + c) = ab + ac

What is the meaning of distributed property?

The DISTRIBUTIVE (not distributed) property is a property of multiplication over addition (OR subtraction). In its simplest form, if x, y and z are three numbers then, according to the distributive property of multiplication over addition, x*(y + z) = x*y + x*z

4R + 3s + 2r = 6r + 3s is what property?

The equation 4R + 3s + 2r = 6r + 3s is an example of the distributive property of addition, where the term 4R is being distributed over the sum of 2r and 6r. To see this more clearly, we can rewrite the equation as: 4R + 3s + 2r = (4R + 6r) + 3s Notice how the terms 4R and 6r are combined and the distributive property allows us to simplify the left-hand side of the equation.

What is an equation that demonstrates the distributive property?

A*(B + C) = A*B + A*C.

What does distributive property mean in math?

The distributive property of multiplication over addition states that a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c that is, the multiplication of the bracket by a can be distributed over the elements inside the bracket.

What is a distributive property of multiplication?

The distributive property of multiplication OVER addition (or subtraction) states that a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c Thus, multiplication can be "distributed" over the numbers that are inside the brackets.

What do you do when using the distributive property in a math problem?

Its quiet simple. All you have to know is that when you use the distributive property in math, it's most likely and equation. So you basically remove the parentheses. AKA(expanding the equation)

What is a distributive property equation that equals 19?

0.4*(7.5 + 40) = 19

What is a distributive property equation that equals 17?

6(2 + 1) = 18==========

Do you simplify while using the distributive property to write an expression?

the distributive property is only used when simplifying expressions or solving an equation: to write an expression just translate the question into symbols and letters - you don't need to use the distributive property or any other property for that

Do you always have to use the distributive property to solve algebra equations?

Yes, when there are parenthesis in an equation, you have to use the distibutive property.

Why does distributive property of addition over multiplication only works when the fractions are equal to 1?

There is no distributive property of addition over multiplication. The equation works if a + (b * c) = (a + b)*(a + c) = a2 + ab +ac +bc => a + bc = a2 + ab +ac +bc ie a = a2 + ab + ac = a*(a+b+c) and that, in turn requires that a = 0 or a+b+c = 1 If a, b and c are fractions than the second condition requires the fractions to sum to 1 - not be equal to 1.