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Heaps of saliva !

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Q: When two dogs are tugging on opposite sides of a bone what are they producing?
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When two dogs are tugging on the same bone in the opposite direction what are they producing?

The pull force

When tow dogs are tugging on the same bone in opposite direction what are they producing?

When two dogs are tugging on the same bone in opposite directions, they are producing a force known as tension. This tension results from the pulling forces exerted by each dog in an attempt to secure the bone for themselves.

When two dogs are tugging on the same bone in opposite directions what our day producing?

When two dogs are tugging on the same bone in opposite directions, they are engaging in a tug-of-war. The dogs are using their strength and determination to try to pull the bone towards themselves, resulting in a competitive game.

When two dogs are tugging on the same bone in opposite directions what are they produceing?

When two dogs tug on the same bone in opposite directions, they are producing equal and opposite forces, resulting in a tug-of-war scenario. The bone will stay in place or move slightly in the direction of the stronger dog's pull.

When two dogs are tuggin on the same bone in opposite directions what are they producing?

When two dogs tug on the same bone in opposite directions, they are producing a force called tension between them as they pull against each other. This tension creates a competitive scenario where each dog tries to overcome the other's strength to gain control of the bone.

What is a trapezium?

Answer A trapezium is (according to some) another name for a trapezoid. It is a quadrilateral (it has 4 sides) with only one pair of opposite sides parallel (England) or with no parallel sides (US). Use the links below for more information.The trapezium is a carpel bone that is located in the wrist.

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When two dogs are pulling on the same bone in opposite directions what are they producing?

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