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Ask the guy that tell the truth which door leads to heaven duh

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Q: When you die you go to a room with two men in it. One is a liar and one tells the truth. There are two doors one to heaven and one to hell?
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Is heaven and hell in your universe?

Yes. They are all around us. //Scripture tells us that both heaven and hell are geographical places. Hell is thought to be under the earth's surface, miles down. Heaven, although an actual place is harder to pinpoint where it is.

When you go to heaven 2 angels in heaven 2 doors 1 goes to hell 1 goes to heaven 1 angel tells the truth 1 angel lies you want to go to heaven what 1 question do you ask?

i would ask this . is god good? the liar would answer no because he is a liar the truthful one would answer yes because he is truthful we know that god is good because the bible says so, therefore the one who says god is good is the one with the door to heaven. this is my choice i would ask either of the guards "if i were to ask the other guard what door he is guarding what would he answer ?" an whichever door they say that is which door they are guarding if i ask the heaven guard he would say that the opposite guard would say heaven, because he knows the other guard would lie and he would tell the truth if i ask hell guard he would know the other guard would say heaven because he'd tell the truth, so he would say hell so that's the door hes guarding

When was To Heaven from Hell created?

To Heaven from Hell was created in 1997.

Can you fall in love with somone in heaven or hell?

You can in heaven but not in hell

Are Heaven Hell and God real?

yes, heaven, hell, and God is real

Do christains believe in heaven and hell?

Yes, Christians believe in heaven and hell.

What does the pope say about heaven and hell?

The pope has reaffirmed that both Heaven and Hell do exist.

Can you die in heaven and hell?

You can only die on earth, and neither in heaven nor hell, because in hell, you have to endure eternal fire, while in heaven, eternal life.

There are two guards guarding doors one door to heaven and one door to hell The one that guards hell always lies What one question do you ask them to answer?

Ask either one this: "If I were to ask the other guard what door was the door to heaven what would he say?" Then once they answer pick the other door.

What does heaven and hell mean to its believers?

Both heaven and hell are both a state. Heaven means the presence of God while hell is contrary to it. This world can be a heaven or a hell depending to our choice being made. if we chose to live without having God in us, then we are creating this world a hell.

What is fiery hell?

a term used to express the word hell... hell is the opposite of heaven and the said place to go if you die and don't go to heaven. a term used to express the word hell... hell is the opposite of heaven and the said place to go if you die and don't go to heaven.

Is it truth the soul of the death will wonder on earth for 49 days before they leave for heaven?

No, the soul experiences the particular judgment immediately upon death. At that time it either goes to heaven or hell, or if it is not yet perfect, purgatory in anticipation of heaven.