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Q: When you divide a whole number by a decimal power of 10 is the quotient less than the dividend?
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What is the number you divide the dividend by?

You divide the dividend by the divisor. The result is the quotient.

What is a quotient divisor and a dividend?

Dividend if the number that you divide, divisor is the number that you divide dividend into, and quotient is the number that you get from dividing dividend into divisor. For example, in 12/3=4, 12 is the dividend, 3 is the divisor, and 4 is the quotient.

What is the Number that will divide the dividend?

It is the divisor and the result is the quotient

Can some person explain how a divisor and a quotient are related?

A divisor is a number that divides another number, also known as the dividend, without leaving a remainder. The quotient, on the other hand, is the result of dividing the dividend by the divisor. In other words, the quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor and the quotient are related in that the divisor is used to divide the dividend and obtain the quotient.

What is the number that you divide by?

Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.

The number by which you divide is called?

divisor Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient

Must a decimal divisor and a decimal dividend have the same number of decimal places in order to have a whole-number quotient?


What is the name for the number into which you are dividing in a division problem?

You divide the dividend by the divisor (or the divisor 'into' the dividend) to get the quotient.

What is the answer to an division question?

a quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor is the number of parts you divide the dividend by. The dividend is the number you are dividing.

What is the divedend in a math problem?

In a division problem, the divisor is the number you divide by, the dividend is the number you divide into, and the quotient is the answer.

When you divide both the dividend and divisor by the same number what remains the same?

the quotient which is the same as the dividend or divisor

The number you divide by in a division problem?

The dividend is divided by the divisor, yielding the quotient.