None. Multiply numerator by the numerator and denominator by denominator.
To get a fraction of another fraction you have to multiply the fractions. To multiply fractions, just use this simple algorithm: Step 1-Turn all whole numbers and mixed numbers into improper fractions. Step 2-Multiply the numerators of the 2 fractions. The answer to that problem will be the numerator of the answer. Step 3-Multiply the denominators of the 2 fractions. The answer to that problem will be the denominator of the answer. Step 4-Reduce.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
yes. you multiply the numerator and denominator
You can use models by doing simplify
None. Multiply numerator by the numerator and denominator by denominator.
multiply and divide fractions!-.-
To get a fraction of another fraction you have to multiply the fractions. To multiply fractions, just use this simple algorithm: Step 1-Turn all whole numbers and mixed numbers into improper fractions. Step 2-Multiply the numerators of the 2 fractions. The answer to that problem will be the numerator of the answer. Step 3-Multiply the denominators of the 2 fractions. The answer to that problem will be the denominator of the answer. Step 4-Reduce.
In order to multiply fractions with variables, factor all numerators and denominators completely. Use the rules for multiplying and dividing fractions, cancel any common factors, and leave your final answer in factored form.
probably to multiply easier
You multiply the fractions
When you add or subtract fractions you cross multiply and when you multiply or divide fractions you across multiply.
Yes you do.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
yes. you multiply the numerator and denominator