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You get other vectors, usually perpendicular to each other, that - when added together - result in the original vector. These component vectors are usually along the axes of some selected coordinate system.

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Q: When you resolve a vector and what do you get?
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How do you find vector components when given the vectors are parallel and the magnitude of each vector is equal to 1?

If they are parallel, you can add them algebraically to get a resultant vector. Then you can resolve the resultant vector to obtain the vector components.

How do you solve for weight when given two forces and two angles?

You need to resolve your vector equation in components. It will give you a system of equation which you will be able to resolve in terms of weight.

How is a resolution of a vector different from the resultant of vectors?

When you resolve a vector, you replace it with two component vectors, usually at right angles to each other. The resultant is a single vector which has the same effect as a set of vectors. In a sense, resolution and resultant are like opposites.

What is resolution vector?

A resolution vector is a mathematical concept used in linear algebra to represent a vector as a linear combination of basis vectors. It helps in analyzing the components of a vector along different directions in a vector space. By decomposing a vector into its resolution vector components, we can better understand its behavior and perform calculations more efficiently.

in what components dot and cross product resolve?

A dot product is a scalar product so it is a single number with only one component. A cross product or vector product is a vector which has three components like the original vectors.

Addition of vector by rectangular components?

Consider two vectors A and B Represented by directionel lines OM and ON respectivelynow add the two vectors by head to tail tail of vector addition now resolve it into rectangular components as shown in figure

Can a vector be represented in terms of unit vector?

Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.

What is null vector?

NULL VECTOR::::null vector is avector of zero magnitude and arbitrary direction the sum of a vector and its negative vector is a null vector...

What is the angle between vector a and vector b when mode of vector a plus vector b is equal to mode of vector a minus vector b?

90 degrees

Is vector A parallel vector B given that vector A is equal to the zero vector and vector B is equal to the zero vector?

The zero vector is both parallel and perpendicular to any other vector. V.0 = 0 means zero vector is perpendicular to V and Vx0 = 0 means zero vector is parallel to V.

What is the reverse process of vectors addition?

reverse process of vector addition is vector resolution.

Vector that shows the combined effect of two or more vector?

Resultant vector or effective vector