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Q: Where is the center of the circle given by the equation (x 4)2 (y -3)2 4?
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What is the equation of the circle with center (32) and radius 4.3?

It is: (x-3)^2 +(y -2)^2 = 18.49

Where is the center of the circle given by the equation x plus 52 plus y-32 equals 56?

There need to be squares in there for x and y - I think you're asking for the centre of the circle with equation: (x + 5)2 + (y - 3)2 = 56 in which case the centre is (-5, 3) A circle with centre (xo, yo) and radius r has equation of the form: (x - xo)2 + (y - yo)2 = r2

What is the standard form of an equation were the poin 3-6 is on a circle whose orgin is the center?

32+62=45 so the standard form is x2+y2=45

What is the center and radius of a circle with an equation of x squared plus y squared - 10x plus 6y equals 47?

The equation of the circle with center (h, k) and radius r is of the form(x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2x2 + y2 - 10x + 6y = 47 (complete the square)[x2 - 10x + (10/2)2] + [y2 + 6y +(6/2)2] = 47 + (10/2)2 +(6/2)2(x2 - 10x + 52) + (y2 + 6y + 32) = 47 + 52 + 32(x - 5)2 + (y + 3)2 = 81(x - 5)2 + (y + 3)2 = 92So that the center of the circle is (5, -3) and the radius is 9.

How do you get the square footage of a 32 foot circle?

We have to guess at what the question means where it says a "32 foot circle".-- Is the circle 32 feet in diameter . . . across the widest part ?-- Is it 32 feet in radius . . . from the center to the curve ??-- Is it 32 feet in circumference . . . around the curve ???We'll assume it's 32 feet in "diameter" ... across the 'widest' part.The area of a circle is [ pi R2 ] where 'R' = the radius = 1/2 of the diameter.pi R2 = pi (32/2)2 = pi (16)2 = 256 pi = 804.25 square feet (rounded)

What is the circumference of a circle with 32 diameter?

The circumference of a circle with 32 diameter is: 100.53 units.

What is the area of a 32 inch circle?

A 32-inch circle has an area of 804 square inches.

What is the circumference of the circle if the circle is 32 inches in diameter?

A circle with a radius of 16 inches (32/2) has a circumference of 100.53 inches.

What is the equation for this answer n equals -32?


What is the area of a circle if the radius is 32 inches?

A circle with a radius of 32 inches has an area of 3,216.99 square inches.

What is the equation to solve for the average Fahrenheit?

Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32) {Equation for Celsius} Tf = (9/5)*Tc+32 {Equation for Fahrenheit}

If the circumference of the circle is 32 cm what is the length of the thick arc that covers one-quarter of the circle?

If the circumference of the circle is 32 cm, the length of the arc that is 1/4 of the circle is: 8 cm