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Q: Where the concept of a function first arose?
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This situation could be an example of the domestication of plants and animals, which was a key concept that arose during the Neolithic Revolution as humans transitioned from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture.

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If the first derivative of a function is greater than 0 on an interval, then the function is increasing on that interval. If the first derivative of a function is less than 0 on an interval, then the function is decreasing on that interval. If the second derivative of a function is greater than 0 on an interval, then the function is concave up on that interval. If the second derivative of a function is less than 0 on an interval, then the function is concave down on that interval.

Is 'marketing' philosophy or a function?

Marketing is both a philosophy and a function !! Marketing can be used as a function for a business to sell its products but it is also a philosophy, infact there are 5 marketing management philosophies or concepts which organisations use to design and carry out their marketing startegies. Namely, Production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept and societal-marketing concept.

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me dont no ! :DD

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what The mathematical concept of a function expresses the intuitive idea that one quantity (the argument of the function, also known as the input) completely ...

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What is a key concept in math?

"key concept" is not a mathematical term . A key concept is an important idea. Two key concepts in math are derivatives and integrals of functions. ( "function" is also a key concept.)

What civilization was the first arise in ancient Greece?

The Minoan Civilization on Crete, arose from about 3000 BCE. The Mycenaean civilization on mainland Greece, arose from about 1550 BCE.