place the bar over the first set of repeating numbers. for example,
1.345673456734567... would be written as 1.34567 with a bar over the "34567".
decimal and repeating bar
A repeating decimal is usually shown with a bar over the decimal that is repeated
With two thirds, you can put the bar anywhere, as long as its after the decimal point, of course. It would be simpler to put it over the 6 in the tenths place.
It is: 5.'63' repeating '63'
decimal and repeating bar
A repeating decimal is usually shown with a bar over the decimal that is repeated
The bar is placed over the last full set of repeating digits shown.For example, with 2.783434... you would place a bar over the last 34But the number can also be written as 2.7834343... in which case the bar would be placed over the last 43.
The bar is only used for repeating decimals. If it is repeating, you can use it.
A bar.
It is placed over one length of repeating decimal digits.
Unless you wish to write 0.15000 and place the repeating bar over the last zero, there is no other decimal for 0.15.
With two thirds, you can put the bar anywhere, as long as its after the decimal point, of course. It would be simpler to put it over the 6 in the tenths place.
It is: 5.'63' repeating '63'
when converting a fraction to a decimal, some of the answers will be repeating decimals. A bar or line is sometimes placed over the part of the decimal that keeps repeating. ex: 0.24242424 etc. can be written as 0.24 with a 'bar' over the 24 to show that it keeps repeating.
It is called a repeating decimal.