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Air because sound travels fastest in solids, medium in liquids, and slow in gases

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Q: Which among materials does sound travel slowest 1 air 2 glass 3 water 4 wood?
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Through which one among the following materials does sound travel the slowest a air b glass c water d wood?

Sound travels slowest through d) wood. Wood is a solid material and sound waves travel slower in solids compared to liquids and gases like air, glass, and water.

Which of these materials transfer heat energy slowest metal glass plastic wood?

Glass and wood transfer heat energy the slowest among the materials listed, with wood typically being the slowest. Metal and plastic are better conductors of heat and transfer heat energy more quickly.

What matter does light travel slowest?

Light travels slowest in optically dense materials like glass or water due to the increased interaction and greater number of collisions with particles in the material, causing a delay in its propagation speed.

Which color travels slowest in glass?

Red light tends to travel slowest in glass compared to other colors in the visible spectrum.

Which color moves slowest through the spectrum?

Colors don't "move through the spectrum". Light of different colors has the same speed in a vacuum. In transparent materials such as glass or water, there are slight differences in speed, but that depends on the materal.

Which material does light travels through the slowest?

Light travels slowest through materials with a higher refractive index, such as glass or diamond. This is because the speed of light in a material is inversely proportional to its refractive index.

What is the slowest traveling wave?

When you say slowest wave are you including every possible wave or only the electromagnetic waves? slowest electromagnetic wave is radio waves. All other waves can vary pretty large

A material that light can travel through is?

A material that light can travel through is called a transparent material. These materials allow light to pass through without scattering or being absorbed. Glass, air, and water are examples of transparent materials.

Which colour moves slowest through glass?


Which color of visible light travels the slowest through a glass prism?

Violet light tends to travel the slowest through a glass prism due to its shorter wavelength compared to other colors of visible light. This causes violet light to refract more as it enters and exits the glass, resulting in a slower speed.

What do electoromagnetic waves travel through?

The name is "electromagnetic waves". They can travel through empty space, and - depending on the specific frequency - through certain materials. For example, light can travel through glass.

What are 3 materials mediums light can travel through?

Air, water, and glass are three common materials that light can travel through. Each material has different properties that affect how light travels through it, such as its density and refractive index.