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Q: Which equation BEST represents the line of best fit for the scatter plot?
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How can you use a scatter plot to find an equation of a trend line?

By finding the line of best fit and using the straight line equation formula.

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Which equation best represents the dissociation of the water molecules into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions?

The equation is: H2O------>H+ + OH-

Which equation best represents the dissociation of water molecule into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions?

The equation is: H2O------>H+ + OH-

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Gráfico de dispersão: é útil para mostrar a relação entre duas variáveis contínuas e identificar padrões e tendências. Gráfico de barras: é útil para comparar diferentes conjuntos de dados ou mostrar a distribuição de uma variável categórica em relação a outra variável. Gráfico de linhas: é adequado para mostrar tendências ao longo do tempo ou em uma sequência de eventos. Gráfico de pizza: é útil para mostrar a proporção de diferentes categorias em relação ao total.

What are the release dates for America's Best - 2013 America's Best Scatter 1-5?

America's Best - 2013 America's Best Scatter 1-5 was released on: USA: 12 February 2013

Which equation best represents the dissociation of watermark molecules into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions?

The dissociation of water molecules into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is best represented by the equation: H2O -> H+ + OH-.

What equation best represents the disassociation of water molecules into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions?

The equation that best represents the dissociation of water molecules into hydrogen ions (H^+) and hydroxide ions (OH^-) is: H2O <--> H^+ + OH^-

A line that best fits the data points on a scatter plot?

A straight line which best describes the data on a scatter plot is called a "line of best fit". The line could pass through some of the points, all of them, or none of them.

Are trends best observed in scatter plots line graphs or circle graphs?

scatter plot and line graph

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How do you find a line of best fit from scatter plot?

The line of best fit is simply the line that shows the general direction of the graph. The trick is to make the line go through as many points on the graph as possible. Some scatter plots have no line of best fit.