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Q: Which form of a quadratic function tells you the y - intercept of the function?
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What is the definition of a Vertex form of a quadratic function?

it is a vertices's form of a function known as Quadratic

What part of speech is quadratic function?

A quadratic function is a noun. The plural form would be quadratic functions.

What form of a quadratic function would be graphed having the vertex at the same point as the y- intercept?

The function would be in the form of ax2+c. The axis of symmetry would be the y-axis, or x = 0, because b would be zero. Likewise, the y-intercept is not important, as any value of c will still yield a vertex at the y-intercept.

What part of speech is function?

A quadratic function is a noun. The plural form would be quadratic functions.

What is the general shape of a graph of a quadratic function in the form yax2 c?

y = ax2 + c is a parabola, c is the y intercept of the parabola. It also happens to be the max/min of the function depending if a is positive or negative.

What makes a function have a graph that is quadratic?

That the function is a quadratic expression.

How can you use intercept form?

You can use intercept form to graph and write quadratic functions. y=a(x-p)(x-q) You can also use intercept form to graph and write cubic functions. y=a(x-p)(x-q)(x-r)

What determines whether the graph of the quadratic function will open upward or downward?

The slope of your quadratic equation in general form or standard form.

What is the discriminant of a quadratic function?

The form of the quadratic is ax2+bx+c, so the discriminant is b2-4ac.

What is the y intercept of the function?

If the function is in this form: y = mx + b Then b is the y-intercept. For example if the function is y = 2x + 4 then the y-intercept is 4.

What is the parent function for a quadratic function?

y = x2 is the parent function, but it can be in the form y = ax2 + bx + c

What is the standard form of a quadratic function?

ax2 +bx + c = 0