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Q: Which has more momentum a large truck moving 30 miles per hour or a small truck moving at miles per hour?
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Which has more momentum a large truck moving at 30 miles per hour or a small truck moving at 30 miles per hour?

The large truck moving at 30 miles per hour will have more momentum because momentum is directly proportional to an object's mass and velocity. Since the large truck has more mass than the small truck, it will have more momentum at the same speed.

Would a large mass moving slowly have more or less momentum than a small mass moving slowly?

A large mass moving slowly would have more momentum than a small mass moving slowly because momentum is a product of mass and velocity. Even if both masses are moving at the same speed, the larger mass would still have more momentum due to its greater mass.

When could a small object have the same momentum as a large object?

A small object can have the same momentum as a large object if the small object is moving at a significantly higher velocity than the large object. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity, so a small object with a very high velocity can have the same momentum as a large object moving at a lower velocity.

What is the difference between a small momentum and a large momentum?

A small momentum refers to an object moving slowly or having low speed, while a large momentum refers to an object moving quickly or having high speed. Momentum is calculated by multiplying an object's mass by its velocity, so the larger the velocity, the larger the momentum.

Why does a slow-moving loaded truck and a speeding rifle bullet each have a large momentum?

Both the loaded truck and the rifle bullet have large momentum because momentum depends on both mass and velocity. Even though the truck is moving slowly but has a large mass, and the rifle bullet is moving very fast with a relatively small mass, both contribute to their large momentum values.

What you expect to have the least momentum?

a small mass moving slowly

What is an example of an object with a small mass that has a large momentum?

That would depend on what you consider "large".The size of an object's momentum = (its mass) x (its speed).So, more mass and more speed result in more momentum.

In order for a small object to have a large momentun the object needs to be stationary true or false?

False. Momentum is a product of an object's mass and velocity, so even if the object is small, it can have a large momentum if it has a high velocity. It doesn't need to be stationary to have a large momentum.

Have the least momentum?

An object with the least momentum would be one that is either stationary or moving very slowly. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity, so an object with a small mass and low speed would have the least momentum.

Can an elephant have the same momentum has a golf ball?

No, an elephant cannot have the same momentum as a golf ball. Momentum is dependent on mass and velocity, so even if an elephant and a golf ball were moving at the same speed, the elephant's much larger mass would result in a significantly greater momentum.

What would you expect to have the least momentum?

An object with a small mass and low velocity would have the least momentum. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity, so a combination of low mass and low velocity would result in the least momentum.

Is the momentum of a large bus greater than less than that of a small car traveling at the same speed?

Momentum is a function of velocity and mass, therefore, assuming a "large" bus has more mass than a "small" car the bus would have more momentum since the velocities are the same.