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Anything between 4.6 and 4.9.

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Q: Which is a decimal that could go between the mixed numbers 4 3 over 5 and 4 9 over 10 on a number line?
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Where could you find a decimal point?

In whole numbers, a decimal follows the number. Example, in the number 7, the decimal is after it, 7.0 The decimal is not visible, but it is there.

Which is a decimal that could go between the mixed numbers four and three fifths and four and nine tenths on a number line?


What is a decimal number greater than 0.5 and less than 0.6?

there are infinite numbers between these decimals. you could have .51 .511 .5111 .51111 .51928471289347 .5918237498 .59283759823758923 as long as you keep making the number greater. all these numbers are decimals between. 0.5 and 0.6

Do integers numbers have decimals?

An integer is a "whole number". The only way it can have a decimal is if the decimal part is all nothing but zeros. Then you could erase the decimal part and it wouldn't change the value of the number.

How do you write 20 as a decimal?

20 is a number above the decimal point, so writing it as a decimal is not really possible. You could write 20.0 and include the next numbers place, but it's the same number.

What is terminating and non terminating numbers?

A terminating decimal number is one whose decimal representation ends after a final number of digits. A non-terminating decimal number is one whose decimal representation goes on forever. It could be in the form of a number-string that repeats infinitely, for example, 2/11 = 0.18181818.... or one in which there is no pattern (all irrational numbers). Analogous definitions apply to numbers expressed in other bases.

What is a finite decimal number between 1.253 and 1.254?

It could be 1.253215421546

How do you get the mode if there are two modes?

You find the number in between the two modes. It could be a decimal.

What is the difference between 35 and 98 expressed as a decimal?

Depending on what you mean, it could be 63.0 (if the numbers are 35 & 98), or 0.63 (if the numbers are 0.35 & 0.98).

Could the set of rational numbers include all decimals?

No, they could not. Irrational numbers are also decimal numbers.

What are three forms of each number?

Numbers can be ordinal, cardinal or imaginary. They could also be fractional, decimal, rational or irrational.

A decimal has been rounded into 6What number might that be?

It could be anything between 5.500000000001 and 6.4999999999999 .