0 is the smallest non-negative fraction.
Decimal:0 Fraction:0
Of course 0 is not a fraction, when it is over 0 it is a whole number.
The smallest value is 0.
0 is the smallest non-negative fraction.
The smallest fraction is /
Rational numbers are infinitely dense and so there is no such number. If for example, you considered F1 to be the fraction that was closet to 0 then what about half that number? F2 = (F1)/2 is closer to 0. And then what about F3 = (F2)/2? This could go on for ever.
There is no such number since half that number would still be greater than 0 but would be smaller than it.
1/infinity is the smallest fraction possible, but what number line the question is referring to is not specified so that's the only thing that can be stated here.
0% as a fraction = 0/1
Decimal:0 Fraction:0
If the numerator is 0, the fraction equals 0.
Of course 0 is not a fraction, when it is over 0 it is a whole number.
The smallest value is 0.
0 times ANYTHING is 0!