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Q: Which is not an example of an everyday problem?
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What is an example of an everyday life problem?

An example of an everyday problem is Autocorrect while typing and also being In a public area with terrible sanitation.

Which is not an example of an everyday problem that can cause stress?

Everything causes stress my friend

Which is not a example of an everyday problem that can cause stress?

Everything causes stress my friend

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The trolley problem

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Everyday solutions

Why is rust a big problem in our everyday life?

Rust is a problem because it is Ugly

What is the meaing of problem?

problem could be any difficulty an individual encounter in everyday life.

What is a simple problem?

minor, everyday small problems

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Shapes are important, because they are all around you. For example, if someone asks you to get that circular pan and you don't know what a circle is, you're going to have a problem.

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What is an example of dialysis in your everyday lives?

Your kidney

Example of a machine in everyday life?

a toaster